Friday, 28 June 2013


1.       Verify If you have Java installed.Open command prompt and type javac if you get the following screen you are good to go.

2.       Download the compatible(32 bit or 64 bit )zip folder from site
3. Create a folder named Projects in c-drive and Extract the downloaded zip folder it to C:\projects\tomcat-7(renamed apache-tomcat-7.x.x to tomcat-7 for simple use)

4.       Creating JAVA_HOME(copy the path where ur jdk is located)  environmental variable. Right-click my computer>properties>advanced system settings>advanced tab>Environmental Variables. In System variables click new>variable name=JAVA_HOME,value=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.x.x_x <don’t copy and paste this check ur java path>
5.       To configure tomcat server Do the following changes
i)Enter the directory C:\Projects\tomcat-7\conf
ii)Open server.xml using notepad.Scroll down where u see connector port=xxxx(can set any number between 1024 and 65535. So lets change it from 8080(default) to 8888 and save it.
iii)Open web.xml from the same “C:\Projects\tomcat-7\conf” directory scroll down make changes for paramname listings from false to true as show in figure and save it
iv)Open context.xml from the same “C:\Projects\tomcat-7\conf” directory. Find where <Context> is and edit it as <Context reloadable=”true”> and save it
v)Open tomcat-users.xml from the same “C:\Projects\tomcat-7\conf” directory and REMOVE ALL AND PASTE the following code and save it
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="manager" password="secret" roles="manager-gui"/>
\6.     Open C:\Projects\tomcat-7\bin> open startup.bat. If u followed everything  u are good to go.
 7. Open a browser and enter http://localhost:8888 to access TOMCAT HOMEPAGE 

8. Click on manager app enter username and password as in tomcat-users.xml(here UN:manager,PASS:secret) Well,That’s it, we can start deploying web apps now!!! CHEERS!! J

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