Sunday, 30 June 2013

Wondering what this post might be?? The atrocious(horrifyingly wicked ) state of Petrol Bunk workers is worth being alerted about.  Today when returning home, entered a petrol station(Bombay highway near Chaderghat) and was of course surprised by the welcoming nature of the guy working there..He was beckoning!! OMG... i thought this fellow is a good natured guy went straight to him.. He was pestering me to tell the amount that is to be filled.I just told 100rs and was opening the knob suddenly lifted my head. To my astonishment, the meter was at 70Rs and he was about to put the pipe into the tank. Luckily, Probable Scam Detected !!!  I played a Sherlock there :P and told him to show me 0:00 and then start filling it. For him the 'Mission Failed' and I came home triumphant<such a big word?? :P> Well, the moral of the story(real) :P is  "be alert" " "keep ur head high<eyes pointed at the meter>" "ask to show zero before filling" . Its common in most petrol bunks I guess. So, beware ... of those guys and if its possible enlighten those tricksters to be honest. "If money is lost nothing is lost(we can start again fresh);If character is lost everything is lost"!!!   


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