Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Watching a movie but skipping words!? Check the list of useful words i collected from  Sherlock Holmes:A game of shadows(2011). 

Disclaimer:All rights belong to the respective owners of Sherlock Holmes:A game of Shadows. I own nothing.

 Note: *<sentence in the movie>

Anarchists= a political theory holding all forms of governmental authority to be unnecessary and undesirable and advocating a society based on voluntary cooperation and free association of individuals and groups.

Gutter=trough to carry off rain water

Sarcophagus=a stone coffin

Aperitif=a strong drink before a meal


Camouflage=concealment by disguise

Sanatorium=treatment and rehabilitation

Diorama=scenic representation

Extol=praise highly

Crescendo = a gradual increase

Conspicuous=noticeable/obvious to eye or mind

Overt=open to hostility

Covert=not openly shown

Purgatory=an intermediate state after death for expiatory purification

Hysterics=uncontrollable laughter or crying

Tandem=in partnership/conjunction

Pillage=act of looting

Empathy=The ability to understand and share the feelings of another



Cynical=believing people act selfishly
<don’t be so cynical>

Famished=extremely hungry
<you’re hungry?? Famished>

<perhaps u repressed it>

Fret=constantly/visibly anxious
<fret not!>


Debacle=a sudden and ignominious failure
<to avoid last nights debacle>

Tardiness=the quality or habit of not adhering to a correct or usual or expected time.
<hence my tardiness>

Demeaning=Cause a severe loss in the dignity of and respect for
<no need to be demeaning>

Elusive=Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
<a fisherman grows weary of trying to catch an elusive fish>

Concur=Be of the same opinion; agree.
<I concur>

Insatiable=impossible to satisfy

<until I observed your penchant for feeding pigeons>

Inept=having or showing no skill
<most inept inspector>

<Incoming assault feral,but experienced>

<injury makes defence untenable>    


<prognosis increasingly negative>      


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